收到Rankingdak雞肉產品後,請將雞肉放在雪櫃的冰格 (-18 °C)冷藏。每包Rankingdak雞肉產品包裝上均印有個別的食用期限,最佳食用日期平均約 8 -12 個月。
1)從雪藏格(-18 °C) 取出,放到冰鮮(0 - 4°C)格,待雞肉包裝表面能用手指輕輕按壓即可,但謹記請盡快食用,不可置放冰鮮格超過12小時。
1)從冰格取出,連包裝袋直接放入微波爐以 700W 火力加熱 2 分鐘。
2)解凍至待雞肉包裝表面能用手指輕輕按壓,再放入微波爐以 700W 火力加熱 1分鐘 。
1)從冰格取出,煮滾熱水,熄火後將整份雞肉連包裝放入水中,焗 12 分鐘以上。
2)在已解凍的情況下,將整份雞肉連包裝放入熱水中,焗 2 分鐘。
將已解凍的雞肉產品放在煎鍋中,以中火慢煎雞肉 2 分鐘,放入烤箱處理同樣可以。
**建議 Cheepoomdak® 芝士雞胸加熱後,可在爐中閒置多 1 分鐘,待芝士軟心完全軟化更為美味。
****Rankingdak的雞肉產品,所有包裝通過韓國 KFDA 嚴格認證,整個包裝可經熱水及微波爐處理,絕對安全。
從冰格取出,連包裝袋直接放入微波爐以 700W 火力加熱 3 分 50 秒。
從冰格取出,煮滾熱水,熄火後將整份雞肉連包裝放入水中,焗 6 分鐘以上。
從冰格取出,連包裝袋直接放入微波爐以 700W 火力加熱 3 分 30 秒。
從冰格取出,打開包裝袋,直接放入微波爐以 700W 火力加熱 3 分 50 秒。
Please keep the chicken breast frozen at -18 °C below as soon as you receive.
Heat it up in the microwave for 2 minute 30 second (700W standard).
Prepare a pot of boiling water, make sure turn off the fire, let the pack soak into the hot water for 12 mins.
Take out chicken breast from the freezer and defrost it. Put the thawed chicken breast on a frying pan and cook the chicken slowly with medium heat for 2 minutes.
Heat it up in the microwave for 2 minute 30 second (700W standard).
Prepare a pot of boiling water, make sure turn off the fire, let the pack soak into the hot water for 10 mins.
Heat it up in the microwave for 3 minute 30 second (700W standard).
Heat it up in the microwave for 2 minute 30 second (700W standard).
Remove from the tray, prepare a pot of boiling water, steam the dumplings for 8 minutes.
***The pouch may be opened during microwaving, we suggest place the chicken breast on the plate before put it into microwave.
***The material of the pack is certified by the Food and Drug Administration so it is safe to defrost it in boiling water or microwave.
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